Monday, May 01, 2006

Arthur's First Day

Today I received news that I'd hoped not to have to deal with for the rest of the year, "Ms. Lovett you're getting a new student". In walks a big, tall young man...Arthur! Now, I understand that teaching is about flexibility and there is no guarantee that one's class size will remain the same, but come on. My classes are now out of control in terms of size. I am now up to 20 students in one class (a small one at that), mostly students that have emotional behavior disorders and no para. I am really at wits end. To top it all off, Arthur starts his first day in trouble...he just got into a fight with another student. I'm going to try and focus on Arthur a bit in my next entries.

Other than that, today's lesson went very well. We're talking about the Civil War. I showed the kids clips from Gone with the Wind.


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